Saturday, April 12, 2014

Without Feet or Her Dad

A girl's mother died while giving birth to her, so all her life it was her and her father. They lived a decent life until her father lost his job. A world of hurt was about to come their way. They lost their house and their car. Even though her father tried to look for a new job, there was not luck. Now living off unempolyment money, they moved into a ragedy apartment. There was literally only enough money to pay bills. So, the girl got a part time job at a pizza place far away from their apartment, but it was a job and they needed the money.
They had so little money that she couldn't get new snow boots for the harsh winter ahead, and her snow boots were almost nonexsistant. Knowing that they had little money, missing a day of work would mean a day without food. So, when there was a huge blizzard that winter, she walked to work in her deteriating snow boots. When she reach the shop it was closed, no one had called her to tell her that the shop was closed. So, she trudged back home. 
When she got back home she couldn't feel her feet. Her father helped her get her shoes off, realizing that her feet were purple, bruised, and frozen. Knowing they had little funds, she didn't go to the hospital. He tried everything he could to get her feet warm again. A day or so later, her feet were black now. Her father decided to take her to the ER. The doctor told her that she was going to have to lose her feet because the frostbite had gone too far. Now with no feet, she returned home and went to bed. The next morning an officer was knocking on the door. He told her that her father was dead. She raced to her father's room, only to find a suicide note addressed to her. The note was saying that he was no longer the father he should be for her. He blamed himself for everything his daughter went through. Luckily, their next door neighbor was kind enough to take her in. However, now, she has neither her feet nor her father. 

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