Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cacambo Analysis

Cacambo is Candide's valet and he is also one of the most well-balanced characters in the book. Unlike others in the story, Cacambo stays level-headed during times of suffering. This characteristic allows him to think things through and find a solution despite the conditions of his surroundings. Cacambo's calm thinking comes in handy when he and Candide were about to get eaten by the Oreillon people. Cacambo was able to successfully talk the people out of eating them while Candide was stressing over the teachings of Pangloss and Cunegonde. Cacambo is a static character because he remains the same throughout the progression of the book. This is a good thing because he is unlike the other characters and there needs to be some sort of variety.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your character analysis of Cacambo. He is level-headed and always is able to get him and Candide out of sticky situations. Compared to Candide's immature attitude, Cacambo is the perfect balance in their duo. I like the way you used the definition of static character while describing Cacambo. It is necessary for him to be static because he needs to stay calm and smart throughout the book. They both would have definitely been eaten by the Oreillon people if Cacambo did not talk them out of it. I really like the way you analyzed Cacambo and gave examples of the adjectives you used to describe him. Great job.
